what we’ve done Tesco Kabaty Originally envisaged as a large retail mall development at the southern end of... PZO Praga Alternative concept for the new food hall installed as part of the mixed-use... Outlet Park Szczecin This concept for the new build outlet on the eastern edge of Szczecin... Outlet Park Raszyn Commercial planning for an outlet park on the south-western side of Warsaw, which... Office Building, Warsaw Office Building, Warsaw Concept for the re-facading of a somewhat bland 1990s office building... Northgate, Warsaw Partnering with fellow designers Architecture, we delivered the concept for the restaurant @vsfcreative A small foretaste of an upcoming project @vsfcreative A small recognition of our design @vsfcreative Central seating area in the @vsfcreative Initial concept for restaurant located in former
Tesco Kabaty Originally envisaged as a large retail mall development at the southern end of... PZO Praga Alternative concept for the new food hall installed as part of the mixed-use... Outlet Park Szczecin This concept for the new build outlet on the eastern edge of Szczecin... Outlet Park Raszyn Commercial planning for an outlet park on the south-western side of Warsaw, which... Office Building, Warsaw Office Building, Warsaw Concept for the re-facading of a somewhat bland 1990s office building... Northgate, Warsaw Partnering with fellow designers Architecture, we delivered the concept for the restaurant